
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Saving Money at Target

Saving money is a must for me these days so I have learned a few, easy ways to do so at my favorite store and wanted to share them with you...

It's no secret, I am a Target lover and I know many of you are too.  There are several ways to save money when shopping at Target, that don't include clipping coupons.  (I have tried to be a couponer and just can't ever seem to stay with it. I envy those of you who can!)

1.  Always take your own bags when shopping there.  They will take off $.05 for each bag used.  I know that doesn't sound like a lot but every penny counts in my book  :)

2.  Get the Target debit card.  It took me a while to do this because I thought it was a credit's not! They link it up to your bank account and it's a debit card that can only be used at Target.  Each time you use this card, you save 5% on your entire purchase AND when you use your card to order from, shipping is FREE and you save 5%. Last time I ordered online, I saved more money than I ended up spending because of the free shipping!!  Here's an article and review on the advantages and disadvantages of the Target debit card.

3.  Cartwheel App-its a free app you can download on your phone and can save 5% + on all kinds of things.  You don't have to spend lots of time picking out which deals you want because the app has a scanner option.  Last time I went Target shopping, I had my list of what I needed and when I picked up the item, I scanned the barcode and it automatically told me if there were any money saving offers on that particular item.  Five of the things on my list ended up having 5-20% off deals on Cartwheel which saved me a total of $7.84. Here's a website that explains Cartwheel in detail and answers those FAQs you might have.

4.  The hardest part for me is not wandering around the store and finding things I "need."  I have learned to make myself a list and stick to it.  I occasionally will have a coupon or two and I write that on my list beside the item that it's for.  I hate to know how many times, I've gotten home and realized I had a coupon for something I purchased and totally forgot to use it.  Making a note on my list has really helped when my "mommy brain" kicks in :)

UPDATE:  Thanks to a friend who reminded me about the Target mobile coupons.  No clipping needed and can be used with paper coupons and Cartwheel.  How could I forget about that!?!  Thanks Lynsey!!  Sign up for mobile coupons here!!

Ok, I'd love to hear ways, tips and tricks to help you save money at Target!

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