
Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday Favorite

While I haven't been able to restart my Shaklee business (since starting my "new life") I have not stopped using their amazing products.  I find new uses for them all the time.  Not long ago, I found a new use for my ScourOff.  This stuff works amazing wonders on my tile grout, showers, tubs, stove, sink but when my oldest smartie came home from a playdate with her shoes looking like they took a mud bath, I had a thought...instead of throwing them in the washing machine, why not see what ScourOff can do???  

Here's what happened...

Before I took this picture, I rinsed the shoes in the sink to get as much mud and dirt off as I could with just water.  My daughter has worn these shoes to school almost every day since school started.  

I think they look pretty good for lasting a whole school year!  What do you think? 

If you would like to try some of the amazing, non-toxic, safe, green Shaklee products for yourself, visit this website

Not only is it an amazing smells so yummy!

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