
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tag You're It!

Welcome to Tag! You’re it ~ Christmas Style!


 (To get the button go here)

My goal is to get this to hop around all the different blogs and have everyone learn something about the blogs and people they follow ~ Christmas Style! So … pick five bloggers that you want to know more about their Christmas traditions. Tag the bloggers you picked and have them write up a post with answers to the 5 questions that you want to know about.

1. What makes Christmas such a special holiday for you and your family?
 It's that magic time of year when we have Christmas music playing constantly, do fun crafts and activities with the kids, wrap presents together, shop together and partake in family traditions.  I guess what it all adds up to is spending time with my own family as well as getting to spend time with family we don't see as often as we like to. 
2. Were you told the truth about Santa Claus by your parents or did you find out another way? you plan on lying to your kids (if you have them or plan on having them)?
 I found out in elementary school. I kinda had a feeling (I was 9 or 10) but when my teacher reminded us not to say anything to younger kids about there not being a Santa, my suspicions were confirmed and I was devestated. I don't consider it lying to my kids. I think believing in Santa makes Christmas more magical...heck I wish I still believed in him.  We also make sure our kids know that Santa isn't the reason we celebrate Christmas but that this is a holiday for Jesus. 

3. Real tree or Fake tree?
 Real!  It just doesn't feel like Christmas without a family trip to the tree lot to pick out a tree together.  We always did this when we were growing up and we have continued the tradition with our kids.  When they are all grown and out of the house, we might change to a fake tree but right now  we are going to stick with real.

4. Do you open presents on Christmas morning, Christmas Eve or both?
We used to spend Christmas Eve at my in-laws and open presents from them, aunts and uncles, and cousins.  We don't live 10 minutes down the road from them anymore so it will be different this Christmas Eve. We will let the kids open 1 gift from us (their Christmas pjs so they can wear them) and let them get the little thing they got for each other. But the rest is opened on Christmas morning.

5. What is your favorite Christmas movie to watch? Favorite Christmas song to sing or listen to? ( I know…technically two questions)
 Favorite animated movie is The Polar Express. Favorite classic is The Christmas Story.

I don't know if I have a favorite song...its the one time of year I don't mind listening to the same songs over and over by every artist out there.

For the inaugural Tag! You’re It Christmas Style ~ I am tagging the following five bloggers:

Lynsey-the Moores

Make sure you link back to Raising Reagan so we can all check out which blogs have participated and all say Hello! Make sure you do an initial post with the questions answered and then TAG your next five bloggers!


  1. This is so great!! Love the movies..."your gonna shoot your eye out kid!" :) So funny..yet a tad bit on the disturbing side with the whole leg lamp!!


  2. I love The Christmas Story and Polar Express. : ( you found out from your teacher. It would be nice to believe still. The magicalness of it all. New pjs for xmas eve is so fantastic. I like to walk through Christmas tree lots, but we do fake. : ) Hope your week is going well.

  3. How exciting that you participated and continued the tag! I'm Lanaya from Raising Reagan and I started the Tag Christmas!

    I would love if you would leave a link to this post in the comments on the following link so others can find your tag post too. Thanks :)


    1. Thanks for starting the Christmas was fun to participate it!! Heading over now to leave a link :)
