
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

So What Wednesday...

 Time for Wednesday's Link up:
So What Wednesday

Today I'm saying "So what if..."
  • I still think my husband is super hot even though we have been together for almost 12 years :) Something about watching him with our kids makes him more attractive than ever!
  • My daughter didn't feel well Monday night so I let her stay home Tuesday even though she said she felt better and could go to school.  It was her first sick day of the year, so I didn't feel bad about it for one minute!

  • I am so freaking out about having a Shaklee table at my daughter's school this Friday for a holiday extravanga. It's my first event...ahhh!

  • I have not even started making my lists for Christmas shopping much less started the actual gift buying.

  • My hubs and I haven't decided what we are doing for Thanksgiving yet. If it weren't for the kids, I think we would just stay home and eat some K&W Cafeteria Thanksgiving dinner meals. This is the first time since we've had kids that we don't live near either of our families.  Last year doesn't count because we moved on Thanksgiving.

  •  I am not a fan of winter! Fall I like but winter can get lost! Cold temps, wearing coats, being cold, having to get coats on and off the kids (so it takes twice as long to run errands), being stuck in the house because it's too cold to go out and play, cold and flu season, did I mention that I don't like the cold!?

  • I am also not a fan of the time change! Why do we still do this? I mean really all it means is it gets dark at like 4:30 now...depressing! And our electricity bill goes up because we have to turn lights on earlier. I swear I remember hearing (a few years ago) that we weren't going to do this anymore after 2013...anyone know what the deal is???
What are you saying "So What" to this week?

Like me on know you want to :)


  1. I hate winter and the time change too. My kids have not gotten the memo that they are supposed to sleep later. Ugh :)

    1. I hear ya! I would much rather it be dark in the morning that at 4:30 in the afternoon!

  2. Boooo to winter! I hate it. And I live in Florida and it probably only gets to the 50's and yes, that is wayyy to cold for me.

    I love, love, love your blog design it is so beautiful and your header is darling!! :)
