
Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday Favorite

One of my favorite things to do this time of year is participate in the putting together of Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. And in honor of National Collection Week (Nov-12-19) this is my Friday Favorite.  

This is one of my favorite things because it is something we enjoy doing with our children and such a wonderful learning experience for them.  Not only do they learn about giving and being thankful and grateful but they LOVE going to the store and picking out little goodies to send to a boy or girl their age.  Back home, our church participated in this but since we moved I had to hunt for a new drop off location. To find a OCC shoebox drop off location near you, look here.  

Last year we got to track our shoeboxes and find out what county they were sent to. The girls thought that was super neat and what a good lesson on geography and how mail gets to it's destination that led to!

If you haven't filled a shoebox yet, there is still time! But don't fret, even if you don't think you can get yours done before the National Collection Week is over, Samaritan's Purse has a way to build a box online

Here are some ideas of what your shoebox(es) can include:

Make sure you include $7 in the shoebox to pay for shipping costs and put a label on top so the box will be given to a boy/girl in the correct age group. Click here to download the informational sheet and labels.

Sending such simple gifts to a needy child can make all the difference in the world. 
 You can change a life for only a few dollars!
I strongly encourage you to take part in this amazing and wonderful operation! To learn more, please visit

What is your favorite way to give back during the holidays? Do you participate in OCC? I would love to hear from you!

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