
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

31 Days Series: Day 9

 Pumpkin Pumpkin Muffins
You can involve the kids as much as you want to on this one...they can help you with every step from baking to decorating or you can make it and have a yummy little snack waiting for them after school.

-Pumpkin muffins (or you can use any kind of cupcakes).  We used Gigi's Pumpkin Muffins recipe.
-Icing-you can make your own or use store bought.  We bought the orange Halloween icing but it wasn't orange enough so I added a few drops of food coloring to make it more "pumpkin orange."
-Pretzel sticks
-Green M&Ms (we used mini ones)

1.  Bake your muffins (or cupcakes) and let them cool.
2. Top the muffins with the orange frosting.
3.  Stick a pretzel stick in the center of the muffin. (We broke our sticks in half so they wouldn't be too long.)
4.  Take a green M&M (mini or regular depending on the size of your muffins) and place in the icing right beside the pretzel rod "stem." 


  1. Very cute! Wish I had one right now. :)

    1. Me too Lynsey! The girls both asked for a pumpkin muffin for breakfast but I haven't made any since we got back from the beach. Guess I know what we will be doing when Harper gets home from school! :)
