
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

31 Days Series: Day 3

 Pumpkin Window Hangers
This is a very easy craft to make for all ages.  For the very young you can do the cutting for them and for the older kids, you can give them the supplies and let them go at it.  *There is hot glue involved so parents might want to do that part no matter the age of your child.  I got a pack of foam with 32 pieces (6 different colors), 10 pack of glitter glue (5 different colors), and a 12 pack of suction cups at Dollar Tree.  We already had a marker, pipe cleaners, hot glue gun and paintbrushes so this craft cost me $3 and I have PLENTY of the supplies we bought to do other crafts with. 

-orange foam paper
-green foam paper
-black permanent marker
-brown pipe cleaner
-glitter glue
-suction cups (1 per pumpkin)
-hot glue gun (If you don't have hot glue or just don't feel like fooling with it, use tape to attach the pipe cleaners to the back of the pumpkin.  I tried this to see if it would hold and they haven't fallen yet.  It's been over a week.)

1.  Cut out pumpkin shapes from the orange foam paper. You can do this ahead of time or let you kids do it, depending on their age.
2.  Draw lines on the pumpkin with the marker.
3.  Cut out two small leaves.
4.  Spread glitter glue all over the pumpkin.  I squirted some on and then let my kids spread it around with a paintbrush.  We glued our leaves on by pressing them into the glitter glue. (The directions I found said to use orange glitter glue but we had silver so we used that.)
5.  Cut a 4 inch piece of pipe cleaner and fold it in half, making a loop.
6. Hot glue the end pieces of the pipe cleaner to the back of the pumpkin.
7.  When all the glue is dry, hang the pumpkin by the pipe cleaner loop onto the suction cups and hang on your window.

Harper drew her own lines on her pumpkin.

I drew Palmer's lines on for her. She loved spreading the glitter glue all around!

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