
Saturday, October 20, 2012

31 Days Series: Day 20

 Spooky Brownies
Take a regular treat and turn it into something to share for Halloween.

-brownie mix (and the ingredients the box calls for)
-Halloween shaped cookie cutters-from one to as many as you want
*I got a container of 18 Halloween cookie cutters at Wal-Mart for $8.97
-powdered sugar
-small candies or tube of icing

1.  Bake the brownies as directed on box.
2.  Let cool.
3. Use cookie cutters to cut brownies into Halloween shapes.
*I did have some trouble getting my cut brownies out of the pan, so make sure you spray your pan with cooking spray and use a butter knife to help pry the brownies out in one piece.
4.  Add eyes, etc and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
We used a cauldron, tombstone, cat, spider and bat cookie cutters.  You can use mini M&M's for the eyes.  I had tube of orange icing so I used that.
**I have definitely gotten my money out of the cookie cutter set because I use them to make my daughter's sandwiches into Halloween shapes for her school lunch. She loves it and can't wait to see what shape she gets in her lunch box that day!

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