
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Earning rewards

We try really hard to focus on positive reinforcement with our children. When I catch the girls doing something like helping each other, cleaning up without having to be asked, using kind words and manners, doing something (like homework) without complaining, I will say, "Go get a sticker!" They can also earn a sticker for doing things I have asked of them: little chores around the house or watching over Archer for a minute while I do something, etc. This is something I started when Harper was not quite two years old. When they earn 10 stickers, they get to take a trip to my treasure box.  (Like I have mentioned before, sometimes the teacher in me comes out.) And its up to them to save or spend their stickers.  Palmer's stickers "burn a hole in her pocket" and as soon as she gets 10 she has to spend them. 
I usually just use a piece of paper and some small stickers but I found this set on clearance in the school supply section at Target...770 stickers and 30 charts for $1.75

Harper had a pirate themed 3rd birthday party and I bought this for that occasion.  After the party I decided to use this as my treasure box.  I got it at Michael's and used my 40% off coupon they have in the Sunday paper. Then I painted it with some brownish spray paint. 
We take a trip to Dollar Tree every once in a while and I let the girls pick out stuff to fill the box up with.
  There are ways to get their stickers taken away too.  I usually just have to threaten to take a sticker away and the girls quickly change what they are doing so that doesn't happen.  Every once in a while, when we think an action deserves more than a sticker being taken away, we  use the timeout approach.  I made a little time out stool when Harper was about 18 months old and we've used it ever since. 
When I say made, I mean bought a little wooden stool and painted it and added stickers to spell out time out.
 My mom recently gave the girls a Responsibility Chart.  Each Sunday morning, we will go over the "responsibilites" for the week and change any out for new ones they need to work on. For every day that they get a magnet for each responsibility, they earn one sticker.  And they have to work together to get them.  They can't earn a magnet if only one of them kept her hands to herself, for example.  It's so funny when I overhear Harper saying, "Palmer remember we need to's our responsibilty!"  

How do you handle discipline with your kids?  Do you have a rewards system in place?  I would love to hear the ideas you have come up with that work for your children!


  1. Time Out seems to be the only system that works for Mason right now. Hopefully when he gets a little old, the sticker system will work. Also, I love this responsibility chart. Where did your mom get it?

  2. I am hoping this system works for Archer when he gets older! I'm not sure since I have learned what a difference there is between boys and girls :) The chart is a Melissa and Doug thing. I'm not sure where she got it. Might be Etc Consignment off of Jonestown Rd. They carry lots of Melissa and Doug stuff. I'll ask her to see though.
