
Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Favorite

One of my new favorite kid things is something called the Parking Pal. I saw it on Baby Half Off and thought it was such a good idea (and price)...why not give it a try?!  What is a Parking Pal you ask?  Well it's a round magnet that you stick on the side of your car.  It has a cute kid-friendly pattern on it as well as an outline of a handprint.  When you are loading or unloading the car up (say at the grocery store) your child or children put their hands on the handprint. It's all about parking lot you peace of mind knowing where your child(ren) are and eliminates the risk of parking lot injury.  
Archer's Parking Pal
Right now, Palmer (my 4 year old) uses it the most. We are out running errands pretty much every day and it always takes me a minute to get her little brother in/out of the car, get the stroller out, etc. So having somewhere for her to stand while I do all this really helps me.  She loves the Parking Pal and couldn't wait to show it to her older sister and tell her how to use it :) When Archer (my 1 year old) gets a little bigger, I already have one for him to use!
This is what Palmer does while I get Archer in and out of the car.
  If you want to learn more about these, where you can get some and about their other products (like Penalty Pal) check out their website!

**They have a deal right now, if you buy 4 or more, shipping is free! So why not get some for you car, Dad's car and who ever else might be toting your precious cargo around! 


  1. Neat Idea. We use the "tire rule". When I'm getting Caroline out, Mason has to keep his hand on the tire. He thinks it's neat to touch and feel the tire.. typical boy. :)

    1. Just watch out for the brakes - they're hot! One of my kids reached under to touch them out of typical curiosity and burned her hand.

    2. I did this same idea 25 years ago when my daughter was about four. No we did not have a sticker on the car but she had to put her hand on the car till I was ready for her. I know use the same principal for my granddaughters. It is a cute idea though to have a sticker but not necessary.

    3. Thanks for stopping by Deanna! I appreciate you taking time to comment :)

    4. This works great for those who do not have 100*+ during the summer! Touching the car here results in some nasty burns! I don't have an idea on how to 'heat proof' the sticker, but it is a great idea anyway!

    5. people if you truly read the blog you would know she said NOTHING about it being a "Sticker" however she did say and I quote....
      "it's a round MAGNET that you stick on the side of your car."
      Pretty sure that clearly means that it is not a sticker and you CAN remove it and put it back on when needed!
      Some of you people need to learn how to read again!.... :-/

    6. Dear, you need to stop thinking of yourself as so superior to others. This attitude does not make you seem smarter, just unpleasant.

  2. Wow, what an awesome thing to have. I could really use soemthing like that for my kids.

  3. You are such a cool Mom. That is Awesome :)

  4. When I am getting my grandbabies out of the car or my arms are full I have the older kids hold my back pocket.... It works great! If they should let go I know it immediately because so no worries.

    1. That's a great idea. I think mine pulling at my back pocket might drive me nuts but I'm glad you found something that works for you!!!

    2. Great idea. I have done this as it means i can feel when someone is moving. I also get the kids to talk to me or i know where they are even when my eyes are elsewhere. When i have a trolley or pram i try to put the on foot young ones in the car first. (Or out). Also think about where you put the hand r you parked etc. :)

  5. I did this for my son, and sometimes still do, but didn't know about this product. I love it! Btw, he'll be 7 this month and his name is Palmer. :) you're the first one I've seen using this name since he was born. :)

    1. We love the product too! I have never heard of another Palmer are a first! Love it!

  6. A proud Mom with a very cute princess. Real PAL

  7. I have always taken the baby out first and got him/her situated before having the older ones get out. My kids know they must ask before opening their car door (a stranger might be close, a car might be too close, etc.) But this is a neat idea!!

    1. Very good idea. if its raining or cold out, I do the same thing. thanks for reading and for commenting!!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. I love this product, wish I new about it sooner. My first child was a runner,one day I grabbed her from being hit by a car and dislocated her wrist. After a ten year gap when I had my second child and thought there had to be a better way, so I came up with "hands on the car" saying and still use it now she is nearly 4. Everybody should have one of these, I will be buying one for everyone of my friends that has a child from now on.

    1. Parking lots scare me to death and I haven't had a scary moment like you did. I'm hoping I won't ever have one with using the parking pal. I hope you love yours as much as we have!

  10. Hi, I actually have a company that is similar and we also make one for Pregnant Driver's and for the backseat. I have a son that is a "darter" and so I added the I WAIT HERE magnet to my line a few years ago. Hopefully these can help parents during every step of parenthood and throughout the day to day busy lives we lead. Let's keep our kids safe!

    1. I'm heading over to your site now to check out your stuff...sounds awesome! Thanks for commenting and good luck with your business!!

  11. I've been doing this since my first (now 9 1/2) could walk. We don't have a spot on the car, but I tell the kids as they get out: "I want hands on my car while I get ready". Works every time and my kiddos (2 of whom are Autistic) are so filled with pride that they made me happy by being safe. Then we hold hands and only after they are all holding hands (the two Auties hold my hands and the bigger two hold their hands) can we let go of the car. Awesome safety tool!

    1. Courtney that sounds like a great plan...I love that you all hold hands before letting go of the car! So sweet! Thanks for stopping by and for your comments:)

  12. Great idea! I have twins who just turned two so it's always difficult when I have to conquer the task of taking them anywhere by myself. They're at the point now where it's almost impossible to hold them both at the same time and no matter which one I get out first, one always has to be set down for a second. I usually have them hold onto my leg or touch the car while I'm getting the other out, but I really think the magnet would help give an incentive to stay in place. Thanks for sharing!!

    1. I can imagine how difficult it can be with twins...its hard enough with my younger two (ages 1.5 &4). Having something fun and colorful has really helped my kids want to stand still for a minute. Thanks for reading!

  13. I have used that idea for a few years now.. But I love the idea of the hand print.. Gives them a visual to connect with.. great idea

    1. The handprint has really helped my kids stand still for the minute or two I need them too. it gets their attention and keeps their focus and they know exactly where to stand. I agree, having a visual works a lot better for them than just telling them to put their hands on the car. Thanks so much for reading!

  14. In Yuma AZ the vehicle gets really hot to touch. I just have them hold on to the cart or get them in the vehicle.

    1. Thanks for bringing up that point. And thanks for reading!

  15. These are great ideas, but why not keep the mobile child in their car seat while you get out the smaller one? Or park near a cart corral and grab a cart and put the older child in the seat? On hot or cold days, you can just stick a blanket behind them or over the handle of the cart. Saves wasting money on a sticker....

    1. As long as you have a routine in place that keeps your children safe in the parking lot, I say to each her own. This is what works great for my four and six year old. I might not use it for a two year old who likes to take off running but I know my girls will stand still, the magnet just gives them a specific place to do that. Thanks for your comment Elizabeth.

  16. haha I'd need 5 of these. Would look a bit silly driving around town like that lol

    1. You would definitely have a decorated car! Haha Thanks for stopping by Victoria!

  17. The idea is cute, and if your child listens most of the time it is fine. But, what child listens all the time? And to have that magnet at the back of the car while you are leaning in isn't too smart. The child could step right into the path of cars in the lot. Why not get the toddler/older children in first (since they are the ones that can wander away) and then put the baby in (since the baby is in a stroller or carrier). Then when getting out of the first and then get the older ones out. Never needed a magnet or a rule to touch the car to do this.

    1. Like I said previously, as long as you have a safe entry/exit that works for you and your children that's all that matters. You don't have to agree with what I do but it works for us. Thanks for stopping by.

  18. I think this is such a great idea. I checked out the website because I was curious what penalty pal was, and actually I don't think penalty pal is such a great idea... I mean, think about it.. you want your child to associate that little hand print with staying next to the car, and as a good thing, but then they see it when they are punished, or in a time out and make a negative association with it... I'm all for parking pal, but for me penalty pal is a no go.

    1. Good point...hadn't thought about that. Thanks for your input and for stopping by!

  19. That's a cool idea. I know back when I was like 4 or 5 years old mom had me hold the bottom of her shorts or skirt. Course this was like like 30 years ago when we didn't think something bad was gonna happen to your kid.

    1. I know what you mean Marie...things have changed a lot since we were kids! Thanks for reading and leaving a comment!!

  20. Cool idea but how does this stop a child from removing their hand and running away?

  21. Why don't you just leave the older child in his car seat while you unpack the stroller and put younger child in it first? Or when returning from somewhere, I put my toddler in his car seat and buckle him and then I load the car with groceries and/or put the baby in. My toddler would wander off in a jiffy! This is cute but also not usable, at least for me.

  22. neat idea, however my child would not have the attention span to keep his hand there

  23. I went to go buy one and it can't find them? I went to the website even :(
